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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Compose Your Own Music Online


              Today it was a totally boring day, so earlier I surf around and remember some sites in which we can compose our own music using  a beat-box that provided there. The site using flash, so you better to make sure that you have flash player installed on your Gadget.

This is The Site:

Drag the one you want to the man above. and the next Man will appear

        The Only Things we need is drag the sound effect we want to the Man to let it perform the magic. One man only can perform one effect, but there is around 6-7 Man available to perform in whole party.

         You also can record it, click on circle button on top left side, it'll record your composition, click again to stop it. And then you can share it to the world. Here is the compositions I made (well There is a possibility that there are many people who compose the same composition):

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Dual Yahoo Messenger

Click Here To get your Yahoo!Messenger
                Who don't know Yahoo? And Yahoo! Messenger? Yahoo Messenger (usually abbreviated as Y!M or YM) is an instant messenger for free to chat with friends, make PC calls, SMS, share files, share photos, listen to streaming radio and more. Nowadays, YM also available for phone users, especially for those smart phones.

                        Some of Yahoo Messenger Version already enabled dual login mode, which means it's enabled the user to run 2 Yahoo Messenger at once with a different login. How to test if your Yahoo Messenger supported dual mode? Well then try to run another Yahoo Messenger while there's a Yahoo Messenger that already run. If the second Yahoo Messenger not appear, then the dual mode disabled. 

               Don't worry, today I'll teach you to enable the dual Mode on windows XP. This is what you need to do.

1. Click on start menu and choose Run.
Startmenu > Run