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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Live IG's Event Diary - Coding The Earlier The Better

First thing first

Hi, my dearest reader. Sorry for came back this late, well eventually I'll try to be more active in this blog.

Lately, I've been working as a system analyst, system developer, and data analyst in a certain private school. And then, doing a part-time job as a trainer, yes, a trainer... A Coding Trainer. 

Who are my students? 

There is a variety wide range of ages. The youngest one is 8 years old, and the oldest one is about 15 years old. And lately, more people were older than them asking me what if they want to start to learn to code. And, of course, better be late than nothing.

The IG Live Interview

Then a couple weeks ago, an acquaintance of mine asked me to join her and her friends programme as a interviewees at their school's Live on Instagram. And, of course, I agree to give them a hand.

The Topic

They have chosen coding as their main topic of the interview. And then we agree to use "Coding, the earlier the better!" as our programme's title.

Poster of IG Live Event Coding The Earlier The Better