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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tech News: Chrome Remote Desktop (BETA)

           Belakangan tentunya ga jarang kita liat iklan - iklan yang berhubungan dengan google. Juga rasanya dah ga asing lagi di telinga teman - teman kalau saya menyebutkan sebuah kata: "Google Chrome". Ya, Google Chrome, yang merupakan sebuah web browser keluaran product dari si Mbah Google. Pemakaian cukup mudah, dan juga mendukung browsing relatif cepat (bukan maksud untuk iklan lho). :)

           Well, pada hari Jumat lalu, si Mbah telah merilis Extention (add-on) Baru untuk Chrome. Sebuah Extention yang membuat seseorang dengan menggunakan sebuah komputer bisa melakukan remote control terhadap komputer lainnya yang berada di dalam sebuah jaringan.

Cara download Video/MP3 dari Youtube

Teman - teman tentunya ud ga asing lagi dengan yang namanya Youtube, juga malah temen saya di dunia nyata sering nanya: Gimana sih download film dari youtube? (apalagi pas butuh video buat tugas kuliah)

Sebenernya jaman sekarang banyak tuh tools - tools dari si Mbah yang bisa dipakai buat download video dari Youtube dan website - website video streaming lainnya. Tapi kalo saya punya favorit tools sendiri, yaitu jdownloader (bisa diklik untuk langsung download toolsnya) tools simple dan free dari

Why? soalnya jdownloader itu gratisan (siapa sih yg ga doyan yg namanya gratisan?) + bisa jg buat download file - file dari website file sharing kayak ziddu, filesonic dan sejenisnya. Cuma kelemahannya adalah, untuk pertama kali download harus nungguin updatenya dulu.... dan makin lama ga diupdate makin lama juga updatenya.... :) ya... namanya juga gratisan, musti sabar.....

ok, tanpa membuang waktu lagi, kita mulai aja....
tentunya, langkah - langkah ini dilakukan SETELAH jdownloader di download, diinstal, dan ditungguin ampe updatenya selesai. :) ingat pepatah: berakit - rakit ke hulu, berenang -renang kemudian. Bersakit - sakit dahulu, bersenang - senang kemudian.... ;)

Step By Step : How To Install Oracle 10g

Ok, here's a guidelines about how to install oracle 10g. Hope, I didn't break any policies posting about this. :)

You need to follow this path to install the oracle. There's 3 Major steps you should do:

Installing Oracle Form and Report Builder

This steps for installing Oracle Form And Report Builder...
Insert the disc for oracle form and report builder or run the installer from you hard drive copy.

1. Click on Installer (setup.exe) from disk 1, and then wait for the installation process begin. Click Next to begin the installation.

Setup Enterprise Manager For The First Time

This Steps is very important, after the previous setup, an Enterprise Manager usually will be opened automatically after we exit from the installer. If it doesn't appeared, you can use your web browser to open it...
how to open it? open your notes, and find the EM address.

For example,mine is:

1. The screen will be appeared like this, you'll be see the login menu, fill in the username and password for "sys", the password is what you've set it at the installation menu, Choose Connect as "SYSDBA". Then click Login.

Setting up NetCA For Connection

OK... This one is the last one.... it's about how to set up NetCA for Connection.
1. Click on Run from Startmenu, type "cmd", and then OK. This will trigger command prompt, in command prompt, type "netca", then press return/enter.

Installing Oracle Database

This is the details guidelines for installing Oracle Database (I use Oracle 10g).
1.  Run the Oracle setup, and then wait till the installer windows appeared.... (this will takes some minutes or more)

2. Fill in the path Oracle Home Location (this path will be used for oracle database drive). Choose installation type: "Enterprise Edition", and then fill the password and password confirmation. (don't forget to note down the passwords if you need to) :)

3. Wait for the process until it's finished.

4. The checklist window will be appeared. See the checklist, and "check" the uncheck box (Failed), Click Next.

5. Click Install button to proceed. And then wait the screen till it turn like on next steps.

6. If you're succeed, the window will give you this kind of information. Write it down or just screen capture it. :) (Warning: you should write it down somewhere, because this screen very important and only appeared once). And then Click on Password Management to proceed.

7. Fill in the passwords for SYS and SYSTEM (make sure you note them too).

Click on Lock Account Column to make those users unlocked (just unlock users you need), also fill in the password for login. Click on OK to proceed.... (and the screen will be back to point 6, then just click OK to proceed).

8. The screen will show you the information that you need. It's VERY IMPORTANT to write it down. Click on Exit, and then Yes.

Congratulation, the database has been installed.... Proceed to next step... :)